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Life.Style Journal

All things fitness with local personal trainer, Paddy Warwick

08 Feb 2021

Originally from the UK, Paddy Warwick was enticed to the South of France by the Mediterranean Sea and sunshine. An athlete through and through, Paddy…

Originally from the UK, Paddy Warwick was enticed to the South of France by the Mediterranean Sea and sunshine. An athlete through and through, Paddy started his career as a professional rugby player. He previously played for Ireland as well as for clubs in five different countries. Today, Paddy is a BSc Hons Sports Scientist, highly qualified personal trainer and ‘Precision Nutrition Sport and Exercise Nutritionist’. He currently runs bootcamps and trains with people from Mougins to Monaco, via his fitness company,

Naturally, Paddy has the mentality of an athlete, but he also subscribes to the belief that everyone is an athlete. He quotes Nike co-founder, Bill Bowerman: “Whether you know it or not, if you have a body, you’re an athlete”. His client base is international and varied, including sportspeople, working and non-working mothers and busy executives. However, Paddy’s favourite client has always been a 100-year-old lady whom he trains once a week. Whatever the age or ability, his philosophy is helping people be the very best version of themselves. In this blog, we find out what drives Paddy as well as his top fitness tips this season.

Why did you move to the South of France?

A few years ago, my wife was teaching in England and I was playing rugby in Italy. We were engaged and with our wedding on the horizon, we wanted to be living together. So, we settled on the Mediterranean as somewhere we could both pursue our careers. We loved the romance of this part of the world and fancied the challenge of learning a new language. Above all, we were (and still are now) sunworshippers! Thankfully, Nice Rugby Club was recruiting players for a big promotion attempt, and Mougins School was looking for a Grade one teacher. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Tell us about your training business

I’ve been a personal trainer running bootcamps on the Côte d’Azur for 10 years. Through and BOOTCAMP TV, I provide a 360-degree approach to training, offering both personal training packages and bootcamps. My team and I focus on nutritional advice and personalised guidelines and develop home plans to complement our in-person training sessions. Moreover, everything we do is centred around an ethos of caring. We’re passionate about helping people achieve their fitness goals, hitting targets and feeling on top of the world.

What services do you offer?

A lot! Many people know me for my in-person bootcamps, which are located in Beausoleil and Mougins. Right now, of course, it’s all about online fitness, so we’ve got a few online bootcamps for all abilities: BOOTCAMP TV. These have proven really popular for improving fitness and strength levels while we’ve all been stuck at home. But more so, it’s been about staying mentally fit; keeping connected and generally bringing positivity into daily routines.

I also offer training packages which include tailored 1 on 1 programmes with a Paddy Warwick trainer. This is about establishing unique exercise programmes aided by regular physical and fitness testing. For example, we use Biosignature – a non-invasive body composition analysis. This 12-site body composition modulation is performed to determine individual hormone profiles. Subsequently, we can make adjustments to someone’s nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle and exercise habits. Considering all the angles is imperative to achieving every fitness goal.

What are your favourite success stories?

I’ve had the privilege to train many different people and always enjoy witnessing people turn their fitness – and mindset – around. For example, shy bootcamp attendees transitioning into social butterflies, or those with defeatist mindsets developing optimistic, clear-minded outlooks on life. It really happens through fitness! And of course, I relish the positive physical transformations too. Recently, an online personal training client lost 14kg in 12 weeks. However, it’s the holistic success stories that make me happiest: people who change inside and out…it’s a cliché but it’s so true.

What tips do you have for staying fit this season?

With all that’s going on in the world at the moment, it’s important to get outside for some physical exercise. Certainly, for our state of mind as much as anything else. To avoid talking yourself out of exercising, set yourself a realistic minimum target. For example, to get started, you could target something simple and small, such as:

  • 20 push-ups
  • Run for 500m x 2
  • 3 sets of 20 walking lunges
  • Walk for 15 minutes

Know that if you achieve this, you’ve done well. Then if you’d like to do more, then go for it! But aim small at first and try to do something like this on as many days as you can manage. That will psychologically get you started and put you on the front foot. Just as the best ‘diet’ is the one that is adhered to in the long term, the best session is the one that is done. The longest journey starts with a single step.

To find out more about Paddy Warwick, visit, and follow him on Instagram and Facebook.

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